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Member Savings

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Member businesses and organizations have access to special money saving offers because of their Chamber membership.  These programs provide tangible savings for businesses.  They include discounts on advertising, utility costs, business resources, prescription drug coverage and sometimes business insurance premiums.  Members save on reduced events costs and can take advantage of special discounted member offers.

Commercial Energy Co-op

The Chamber has partnered with nationally recognized energy management experts, CQI Associates, to administer and manage the Chamber Energy Purchasing Cooperative. This program is only available to Chamber members who receive their electric and/or natural gas services through Ameren.

If your business or organization is a substantial user of natural gas and/or electricity, significant savings can be realized on its annual utility costs.  The co-op leverages the power of a large buying group to receive lower rates than a business could typically attain on their own.  There is NO FEE to join the Co-op.

For more information, or if you would like an estimate on your company's savings, contact David Earhart at (217) 525-1173 ext. 215 or  For the estimate of savings, companies will need to submit a Letter of Authorization and provide a complete  copy of a recent utility bill(s) for all electricity or natural gas accounts you wish to enroll.  To download the Authorization and Application form, click HERE.


  1. Complete and sign the Letter of Authorization.
  2. Provide one complete copy of a recent utility bill(s) for all electricity and or natural gas accounts you are enrolling.
  3. Scan and email the above documents to David Earhart.

For questions or specific details, please contact Shelby Dupont with CQI Associates at (217) 521-9400.

Advertising Discount

Special discounted advertising rates are available to members of The Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce.  All Chamber members in good standing are eligible to receive ongoing, reduced rates for advertising in the Springfield Business Journal and Illinois Times.  The special discount offer from both publications reflect a 15% savings for member businesses! For more information on the Springfield Business Journal offer click HERE. For more information on the Illinois Times offer click HERE.

The Chamber encourages members, and their employees and families, to purchase their products and services from fellow Chamber member businesses.  The Hot Deals program allows members to present a special discount or offer online through The Chamber’s website and Chamber smartphone app. Member offers provide additional exposure and visibility as well as the opportunity for increased sales.  To download the promotional flyer click the link above.

Business Resources Available

Greater Springfield Chamber members have access to Illinois Chamber member pricing for business and HR webinars, seminars, and conferences.  ILCC Business Services Division webinars provide trusted, up-to-date content for keeping HR professionals and business owners knowledgeable about current trends in employment and labor law, and technology.  The presenters are Illinois attorneys and Illinois experts who work in the fields they teach.  When registering, be sure to select that you learned of the seminar or webinar through the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce.  To review the available HR and Business SEMINARS or WEBINARS click the appropriate link.

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Digital Health Check and Advertising Discount

The State Journal-Register (SJ-R) and LOCALiQ, the digital marketing agency of the SJ-R, offer an exclusive membership benefit.  A free, no obligation digital health check and a special discounted advertising package are available to members of The Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce.

LOCALiQ offers a complimentary digital health check to audit your digital business, benchmark you against your competitors, and identify opportunities to help drive quality, affordable leads to grow your business.  The State Journal-Register offers a frequency print program that is fifteen (15) - 1/8 page ads per month for a total of $750... which is a 70% discount!  This print offer is good for any Greater Springfield Chamber member who has not run with LOCALiQ/The State Journal-Register within the past 12 months.

Contact Julee White at or 310.806.3357 with any questions, or to schedule your health check.

It's important for your business to have an effective way to communicate with the people who matter the most (customers, prospects, etc.)! Constant Contact's Email Marketing tool give you the ability to stay top-of-mind and keep people engaged with your business. The Chamber has partnered with Constant Contact to help you with your marketing efforts. Chamber members can SAVE UP TO 25% even if you're an existing customer! Look professional, save time and get results. To download a promotional flyer, click the Constant Contact logo or to start taking advantage of this member benefit, click HERE.

Chamber member businesses and their employees are eligible to receive a free prescription drug discount card through The Chamber and United Networks of America. There are no health restrictions, no enrollment forms, and no limits on usage. Simply click on the headline link above, then create the pre-activated card for immediate savings. Save up to 75 percent at over 68,000 pharmacies nationwide. This card covers drugs not covered in health plans and also covers many pet prescriptions. It is especially helpful if you are uninsured or underinsured.

Advertising Benefit for New Members

All members of The Chamber have access to print advertising discounts from the Springfield Business Journal and Illinois Times. New members that have recently joined are eligible to receive matching radio advertising packages offered by all three radio groups in the Springfield area: Capitol Media Group, Mid-West Family Springfield, and Woodward Community Media.

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