Events Upcoming
New Members
Leadership and professional development is one of The Chamber’s four core functions. This is important to our members and the community as a whole, because when you consider our ever-changing culture, ongoing technological advances and the need for leaders to guide organizations while connecting the right people to the right priorities – great leadership is essential.
In 2019, The Chamber will offer the John Maxwell LIVE2LEAD event, Refresh Leadership in partnership with Express Employment Professionals, and Leadership Springfield (in 2018 we had more applicants and our largest class ever). We will also offer training on HR Law and other “Business Hot Topics” like those offered in 2018 on Cybersecurity and the implications of recent Tax Reforms (The Tax Cuts and Job Act).
The purpose of Leadership Springfield is to develop future leaders for area businesses, organizations, and the community at-large. It is our goal to strengthen our community one leader at a time.
Over 14 weeks this fall, participants will learn about various personality types, leadership styles and roles, leadership choices, strategic planning and team building. They will also enhance their leadership capabilities by learning from some our community’s greatest leaders, and developing a deeper awareness of our community in the areas of tourism, healthcare, education, state and local government, emergency management and homeland security, technology, and others.
Outside of regular program sessions, participants will also be challenged to exercise creativity and problem-solving skills by working as teams on projects for the benefit of area not-for-profit organizations.
We need leaders who, for decades to come, will understand how to bring people together to solve problems and not just talk about them. And, maybe most of all, we need leaders who want to and will do the right thing, even in the face of opposition.
It has been said many times, “that everything rises and falls on the quality of leadership in any and every organization.” Leadership really is important, and that’s why we pay so much attention to it and provide significant leadership and professional development opportunities to our members.